Geographic Information System Mapping Services

We offer GIS and mapping expertise to help in the planning and development of systems. The survey and mapping process is the primary producer of geomatics data and services used by all provincial government departments extensively, and by the general public.

Physical and Postal Addressing Services

We’ve partnered with Edenmap – a French-based City Management Firm which has an Addressing Tool that assists in designing, developing & distributing automated solutions for standardized postal addressing in cities with non-existent or failed addressing systems.

Training and Capacity Building

We have extensive knowledge in approaches to sustainable design & Urban Development in different cultures. We strive to pass it on by means of training and capacity building in partnership with experienced professionals in both academic and professional sectors.

Public Sector Services (3 Avenues)

We tackle 3 distinct avenues namely; ETR Centre (Where we help businesses comply with the new KRA directives for the New Generation Electronic Tax Registers – ETRS, Public Engagement under My Voice Platform and Own Source Revenue Consulting.

Thought Leadership in Urban & Physical Planning

We aim to combine our practical work in Urban & Physical Planning with our interest in theory through the help of professionals who have attained immense expertise academically & professionally. Those with published research and experience in funded projects.

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